Fun with the Cracklebox

Peter Korsten EMAIL HIDDEN
Tue Sep 18 01:48:06 CEST 2007

Tony Hardie-Bick schreef:

> I have to say, this is a much understuffed part of the market. Synths 
> for pets. I hesitate.. well, no, I don't hesitate, to question, what 
> kind of synth would a cat like.

Apart from the fact that a cat would probably find a synth below her 
dignity and would pointedly ignore it (or even pee on it) just to annoy 
you, it should have the following features:

* A beefy power supply, so it gets nice and warm to sleep on.
* All covered in soft cushions, so it's nice to sleep on.
* Mounted on a scratching pole.
* A small cavity to hide in and launch attacks from.
* A door, which needs to be opened by a human servant. The cat will use 
this door frequently.

See, that wasn't too difficult.

- Peter

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