
Tue Sep 18 01:34:33 CEST 2007

> I'm toying with the extremely dogmatic notion that a musical  
> instrument
> (according to my very personal definition) is best designed when it  
> can
> be played, to some extent, with eyes closed.

I'm with you on that one Tony.  100%.  If you can't play it in the  
pitch black, what good is it?

Music should happen in all levels of light.

> Think of the speed of touch
> reflexes, which is what are used for making music with a physical
> instrument.

Its just one of those so terribly "obvious" facts that none of the  
current instrument designers want to contend with: all classical  
instruments can be played in the dark.  Synthesizers, obviously, are  
broken by design.

Jay Vaughan

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