
Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Wed Sep 12 16:47:02 CEST 2007

Jay Vaughan schreef:

> i'm actually having a great day, also.  listening to the same ol'  
> tracks over and over while i make code do things that do things that  
> do things .. "strange eyes" and "toybox meets univ3rse", which are as- 
> yet unreleased wonders of an unnamed outfit in the local hood ..  
> babes are doing fine too, enjoying the lazy getting-colder fall  
> weather by staying in bed, with a fire.  great!

Good to hear. So any news about the 
Vienna Shelter Jam?

> if anyone wants to hire me, i'm job-less by the way.  got the resume  
> out there and all that, but hey ..

I'm almost done with my job. Finally 
some peace next month, plus time to work 
on the new albums - yay!!



G e r t  v a n  S a n t e n
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