Sound Synthesis

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Sat Sep 1 08:44:19 CEST 2007

Michael Zacherl schreef:
> On 31.08.2007 17:15 Uhr, Tony Hardie-Bick wrote:
>> Chris Strellis wrote:
>> I was looking for a link to something like that :) Definitely a good 
>> starting point. I'm sure it sounds great... but I'm equally sure that 
>> PDF-modelling, diode-ladder modelling et al, are either non-existent or 
>> very simply done, so it won't sound the same as Pink Floyd's VCS3. But 
>> of course, exact emulation (of analogue characteristics) is not a 
>> requirement for making great music, or even for making great musical 
>> instruments :)
> while I agree that it's possible to make great stuff (including filters) 
>    in the digital domain, I don't see the sense of recreating a rather 
> big and cluttered front panel on a tiny screen.
> Like Arturia does for example.
> Sure, someone who owned such a baby like an Jupiter 8, CS 80, Prophet V 
> etc. would feel familiar with the controls but who actually has/had such 
> an oldtimer? And such for better marketing?
> If digitial and on the computer, I prefer something like Bidule or 
> Max/MSP - unlocking the power of a good GUI without being compromised by 
>   fake hardware.
>    just my .02 -  ;-)  m.

I think recreating the front panel makes 
the user feel that he really owns the 
emulated machine. I'm sure it's a big 
selling point.

I certainly wouldn't have bought 
Arturia's Arp 2600 and Moog Modular if 
they would have looked like the inside 
of NI Reaktor.



G e r t  v a n  S a n t e n
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