Staying in London

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Mon Oct 8 19:02:36 CEST 2007

Peter Korsten schreef:
> Gert van Santen schreef:
>> Kristin and her sisters will visit their 
>> half-sister in London from Fr. Nov 16 - 
>> Sun Nov. 18, and I was planning to join 
>> them. Both Tony HB and Paul PD have 
>> offered me a sleeping place (thanks!).
>> I will arrive Friday night, and will 
>> leave somewhere on Sunday (tickets not 
>> booked yet).
> Is it just a matter of bad karma? I *never* go anywhere except to my 
> parents (and then some small excursions here and there), and when I do 
> go to London (for the first time in almost ten years), you guys do too - 
> but one week later.

It is a shame indeed. It would have been 
really cool...

OTOH, everyone might agree to meet one 
week earlier, and then I just meet up 
with the London guys the week after...



G e r t  v a n  S a n t e n
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