Live 7 out in December!

Fri Oct 5 23:20:47 CEST 2007

Got it.

----- Original Message ----
From: S?ren Knudsen <soren at>
To: shelter at
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2007 12:44:34 AM
Subject: RE: Live 7 out in December!

> > I like the Drum Rack functionality - but otherwise, it looks pretty
> dull,
> > with new plugins touted as the most interesting aspect according to
> oohh, I disagree.  Even though It's seems to be a release aimed at the
> existing core base users, improve this, tweak that..., but there's
> plenty there to get fired up about.  And again, all the new features
> have that "Ableton" touch, as in everything is intuitive,
> straightforward and conducive to a fluid style of making music.

Well actually, what I wanted to express, was that that was what Ableton
seemed to think was the most important news, as that is what they write about
in the first page of the description of the new version... But there are
definitely improvements, imho. And these I look very much forward to checking
out. It's just that Ableton don't seem to think that that is the most
important news. Do you get my point?

It's just that updates to a sequencer, imho, should not boast new plugins as
this is really an add-on product, that you could've 'easily' got from a 3'rd
party (with less perfect integration with Live). But it's a trend that's been
on for years from every manufacturer of software sequencers, and I just don't
like it...:)

- S?ren

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