BBC NEWS | Technology | Apple iPhone warning proves true

Don't thread on my tentacles, Earthling! EMAIL HIDDEN
Mon Oct 1 14:07:47 CEST 2007

Le 1 oct. 07 ? 10:52, Martin Naef a ?crit :

> I just found it funny that people have complained for years about the
> proprietary Windows environment and how evil M$ is for locking in
> customers into their system. Meanwhile, the oh so cool competitors  
> seem
> to get away with even stronger lock-in tactics (e.g. iTunes/iPod, now
> the iPhone, not to mention their hardware for as long as they  
> existed).

Compare the iphone to its competitor, until M$ comes in with a  
Zunephone it's not M$ but the other phone makers and the cell  
companies who are the evil bunch. And this bunch LOVES simlocking.

We should all be from Belgium, where simlocking is forbidden. :)

The real issue is not the simlock, I'm sure it'll be fought by  
hackers each time, and it's not Apple interest to have a  phone where  
you can't do that ;) The real issue are phone companies who won't  
sell it if it's not. The marketing blahblah about ensuring service  
etc from Apple covers just that. Apple enjoys the security of a well  
walled market with supplies for only himself and one company outside  
it, but in the end it does not give a fuck really who is selling it  
and on which network: the important is to sell it by shitloads and  
that the user experience is so great the buzz spread. Remember that  
the buzz has been masterfully build by Apple, but the product sells  
by its qualities, else we'd all be using Zunes? ;)

All the limitations will fall, I bet on it.

Even the software one. Some are already working on the VOIP and it  

Denis H]
Je hais le ouifi

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