C++ sucks
Martin Naef
Thu Nov 22 20:00:36 CET 2007
Hi Peter
Peter Korsten wrote:
>> Ahh, here we have it - three days. After you've spent several years
>> coding with something else. What the heck do you expect? Becoming an
>> expert in a different language after just three days?
> No, that would take a couple of weeks. But as I mentioned, I've been
> looking at C++, with several long interludes, for the best part of ten
> years now. Probably more than that, but in real development time, a bit
> less than a year.
Ok, you don't like it - fair enough. I've used for the last 15 years
(looking back - that's a bloody long time!!!).
> Garbage collection and return-by-reference makes your life as a
> programmer just a lot easier. As does automatic bounds checking.
I'm not denying that. But when I try to do low-latency machine vision
processing with a camera running at 200Hz, the last thing I need is
garbage collection kicking in at the wrong moment, and bounds checking
is going to kill the performance. Of course, your environment is
different - if your application crashes the server, all the speed in the
world doesn't matter anymore, hence a tool with lots of safety devices
is what you need.
And if you believe that garbage collection ensures that you don't leak
memory, think again.
> This is a simplified version of what happened to me when I tried to use
> an abstract base class as the type for a template class (vector, to be
> precise).
Ok, fair enough - you found something that doesn't work. I'm sure I
could easily construct something that won't work in Java. What's the point?
>> Of course, Java has been designed years after C++ and hence profits from
>> a bit of hindsight - it would be rather sad if it didn't do a few things
>> more elegantly.
> What worries me is that both Java and C++ come from C, but that Java
> made the right choices - mostly, at least - from the start. Stroustrup
> could have made the same choices, but instead he decided to retain
> backwards compatibility, and came up with this horrible syntax. And this
As above: When they designed Java, they already had all the feedback
from C++ programmers. The "horrible Syntax" is a matter of taste and
personal preference.
> was not necessary, because the only things that differ between the
> syntax of C and Java is that everything has to be a class, the use of
> the 'new' keyword, and the absence of pointers.
The latter is a *very* fundamental difference, as you just figured out
>> No, you've replaced the family car with a Ferrari. It's not easy to
>> handle, and certainly temperamental, but it doesn't have the extra
>> baggage of other systems that holds you back when you have to get down
>> to the nitty gritty stuff.
> If we keep up the comparison to vehicles, I'd rather compare C++ to a
> Centurion tank. A Ferrari is pleasing to the eye; C++ most certainly
> isn't. You can also make an awful mess with a tank, which seems rather
> appropriate for C++ (segmentation fault, core dumped).
There's a reason why I chose the Ferrari: It's fast, if you know what
you're doing. For everyday driving, speed doesn't matter. But for what I
do, it's crucial, and C++ gives me the right balance between a "proper"
language while not preventing me from digging really deep.
That means C++ is a great language. For me.
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