C++ sucks
Jay Vaughan
Thu Nov 22 09:03:55 CET 2007
> And because you need to count bits and bytes, it's practically
> impossible to do in Java, also because Java can't work with unsigned
> integers or bytes, for reasons best known to the good people of Sun.
short the_byte;
long the_int;
> So I already had a working version, that I'd written in C. But
> because I
> needed to do additional things and work with lists and dynamic data
> structures, I decided that I needed C++, which, as we all know, is
> object-oriented.
any reason you don't have a dynamic data structure lib for C by now?
just asking ..
> After three days of swearing at it, I ditched what I'd written and
> rewrote the C program. My goodness, what was the man thinking when he
> designed (for want of a better word) C++?
all kinds of things, i'd imagine.
> The syntax is impossible to decipher without the Rosetta Stone, it
> doesn't have interfaces and therefore no clean separation between
> interface and implementation, you can't return objects except by
> reference which then keeps dangling (or as a pointer, which is even
> worse), and in general it's as Spartan as a barracks on the
> Peloponnese.
My "C++ Primer", 5th edition, says that C++ has interfaces, but maybe
your c++ compiler doesn't.
> It's like you've been driving a nice family car for years, and then
> one
> morning you discover that someone has replaced it with a mule and
> cart.
> And a very stubborn mule at that.
you're gonna be a terrible mule driver if you give up after one day
in an alley with no serious load in the cart ..
> Really, if you value your sanity, give C++ a wide berth and either
> use C
> or Java. C++ is like the unholy offspring of the two.
i love me my current C++ project, but i must concur that i've
considered going plain ol' object-oriented C for the next bit ..
Jay Vaughan
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