New GP2X system: Pandora == H4WT!!@!@!!!

Fri Dec 21 11:01:49 CET 2007

> looks ok, Of more interest to me would be the battery life :-)

yeah, haven't noticed the battery issue ..

> no agreement could be reached on a common format.
> Take modular synths, there are to the best of my knowledge, no less  
> than 5
> companys making modular synths out there, each with different  
> format for
> size and/or connectors. Some also have different power supply
> requirements.


> FWIW, I think the closest we got 'synthwise' was the Chameleon, I  
> still
> think there was a lot more milage in the concept.
> I think it just needed a 'hard core' of people to work on it and  
> also a
> 'simple' UI option for people who can't do DSP programing. Perhaps
> something like the nord modular interface?

heh heh ..

> If you remember Oval did that with his Chameleon at synthdiy 2006!
> Just thinking out loud.

yeah, well maybe the new Pandora will serve as a nice platform for  
new softsynth authors ..

Jay Vaughan

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