
Peter Korsten EMAIL HIDDEN
Fri Dec 14 18:27:44 CET 2007

Jay Vaughan schreef:

> well gang, it looks like yours truly got a job here in vienna working  
> on the realtime control operating systems for trains (yo Peter) all  
> over europe .. alcatel-thales, here i come.  yes, truly, this is *The  
> Man*, but hey .. i like trains .. i like realtime programming, i like  
> embedded systems, and i like quality engineering.  final offer is  
> being made on tuesday, so: w00t!  and a big fuck-you-too to this  
> jobless year and the reasons for it ..

Hey, good to hear you've found a job! So you'll be involved with ERTMS, 
ETCS and that sort of thing?

Probably it'll be like my job: whilst I work at a mobile phone company, 
it actually involves very little having to do with mobile phones. 
Friends and family mistakenly think I actually know anything about the 
damn things, or even about tariffs. Ha ha! :)

What's interesting is that the EU is pushing the product that you'll be 
working on, and if we disregard the British and the Dutch, European 
governments seem committed towards trail travel and transport. You'll 
probably find the French railways/government opposing cross-border 
operations, and the Germans pushing it. That's just the way it is...

And whilst it sounds interesting what you're doing, it's also not really 
my sort of thing. Having an angry customer is one thing, having several 
hundreds of tons of metal passing a danger signal at high speed is quite 

But it would be interesting to know what sort of technology you'll be 
using (platforms, operating systems if applicable, etc.), insofar that 
it isn't covered by a non-disclosure clause in your contract.

- Peter

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