<div dir="ltr"><div>I'm a bit a far away, but I might try and get down for this, and London 'barians might be interested, even if it's only for the chance to look round Sarm West before it gets turned into flats...<br>
<br>“We are having a yard sale here at Sarm!
<p><strong>Sunday 18th August, 1pm – 6pm</strong></p>
<p>£5 entry (all proceeds to charity)</p>
<p>Come and purchase some of our old hardware – speakers and general bits and bob’s before the studio renovations begin.</p>
<p>Some of it works, some of it needs repair … But it’s all definitely seen some action.</p>
<p>Cash is king but we will be able to process Card payments next day.</p>
<p>All proceeds will be donated to the Fr.Jim Teeling, Trevor Horn CBE and Jill Sinclair Trust Fund</p>more info at: <a href="http://www.failedmuso.com/blog/?p=3776">http://www.failedmuso.com/blog/?p=3776</a><br><br></div>
- Andy_R<br></div>