My guess is that some overzealous security theater goon took it apart, because anything electronic that isn't a recognisable as a type of device that his mum and dad might own *must* be a bomb. This would mean the oily stuff is probably something that's supposed to be used in small quantities to loosen up stubborn screws, but said luddite goon drenches everything in it because a) the company pays for it, so running out of it regularly demonstrates he is doing his job, and b) he just plain likes ruining things he doesn't understand (which is, incidentally, the very quality that made the company hire him).<br>
<br>If I'm right, I suggest using reverse security theater on them. Accuse them of smuggling a mystery fluid onto their plane hidden inside your package, and demand (on penalty of getting homeland security to go medieval of their asses) that exactly the sort of inhuman treatment be dealt out to said goon as they so delight in giving to mothers attempting to feed milk to babies, people who need medicine, or are just plain thirsty, along with a replacement module, a refund of all charges, and enough free postage to simply ship your house and contents to Australia and back twice a year for life instead of going on holiday.<br>
<br>I could be wrong though :-)<br><br>- Andy_R<br>