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Gert van Santen wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid:4BC847A4.6000607@chello.nl" type="cite"><br>
<pre wrap=""><!---->
Actually, it's quite a nice mic:
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.rode.com.au/microphone.php?product=Podcaster">http://www.rode.com.au/microphone.php?product=Podcaster</a>
she just needs a good popfilter...
<pre wrap="">
I was a bit harsh and undiplomatic on the mic.<br>
But that's what the description "USB MIC" made me write...<br>
That rode is a dynamic mic - or am I mistaken.<br>
Wouldn't a condenser mic be very much better..<br>
I mean there are several things/problems, soft voice, plop sock, and
low audiolevels.<br>
Especially the low audiolevels - can't she pump up the volume somehow
for future recordings.<br>
If the audio isn't good ennuf to start with to make it decent, that's
what I tried to say.<br>
<span class="moz-smiley-s1"><span> :-) </span></span><br>