Recently I grabbed an old Roland DDR300 soundmodule.Early 80's PCM
sounds, easily editable from alpha dial and the panel layout matches
the MKS70 series wich I don't own, tho.<br>
So I want to <font face="arial,helvetica">hook up a pad to trigger it. DDR300 comes with XLR inputs to connect</font> drum pads.<br>
User's guide describes its XLR-female connexion as:<br>
2 - Cold <br>
1 - Gnd.<br>
3 - Hot<br>
(2 left hole; 3 middle center hole; 1 right hole)<br>
Am I mistake, or this connection reverses the current standard uses of pin 2 and pin 3? (Maybe Dong you can confirm this)<br>
I don't have any electronic pad for testing purpouses, do any XLR cable
connected to any current e-pad will work with the DDR30? <br>
thanks guys for any help.<br>