CPU whine through one monitor speaker

Joost Schuttelaar joost at joostschuttelaar.nl
Wed May 27 13:18:14 CEST 2020

On 24 May 2020, at 22:49, Michael Zacherl <mubar05 at blauwurf.at> wrote:

>> On 24.05.2020, at 20:31, Joost Schuttelaar <joost at joostschuttelaar.nl> wrote:
>> my unshielded LG’s… ;)
> Hah! But the Equators should be able to handle that, no?

I would think so.

Short update, I left my speakers on overnight twice, no CPU/USB whine ever. I’m gonna turn it off again tonight, and see if the next day it returns. I’m 99% positive that the whine only appears after the speaker has been powered off for some time.


Joost Schuttelaar
The Hague, NL

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