looking for a synth

ToAd tom.adam at thebigear.be
Fri Apr 6 12:21:41 CEST 2018

I'm looking for a synth ;-)

- lots of knobs

- 'modern sound'

- preferably with some keys to play

- doesn't need to be analog / doesn’t need to be digital

- needs some polyphony, but 1 part is ok

- no seq needed, arp is a bonus

I used to own a JD-800, I still consider this to be one of the best synth to create sounds on.

Then I had an Ion, also OK.

Now I'm using a virus B as 'performance' synth, but I'm getting a bit tired of the sound, need some change here...

FYI currently I have this setup^:

Roland JD900 / XV5080 / R5 & R8m

Virus B

Yamaha Motif Rack




Any suggestions?


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