Simple audio interface

Joost Schuttelaar joost at
Sun Jan 15 11:20:21 CET 2017

Hi -bar! The two fat 5K LG’s have a downside, apparently that heavy Thunderbolt traffic is a bit audible as static noise on my monitors (annoying). This happens when I just plug the laptop directly from the headphone jack, through about a meter of stereo cable into a TC Electronic Level Pilot, into my monitor speakers.

The wiring is picking it up (can’t hear it with heaphones). So a fully balanced connection will help I think. Plus, I could just connect the interface using the USB-C ports on the back of one of the screens (through a tiny USB-C → USB-A converter).

I’m currently looking at the Focusrite Scarlett2 2i2. Any thoughts? It’s just about getting some simple stereo audio in and out.



Joost Schuttelaar
The Hague, NL

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