1 song we did at the music party in Voorst this weekend

Gert van Santen g.vansanten at upcmail.nl
Fri Mar 18 13:07:57 CET 2016

Op 18-3-2016 om 1:00 schreef deeplfo:
> Nice one Gert.  Guitar looks good on you :-)
> mohsen

Thanks, Mohsen.

I used to be "just" a guitarplayer in bands from 1980 - 1981. 
Then I started playing guitar, Korg MS-20 and Hohner strings. In 
1985 I added a Korg Poly-61, and in 1995 I sort of quit playing 
electric guitar. Started again about 5 years ago, just at home, 
improvising along with backing tracks on YouTube.

And now it looks like our old band will have its comeback.

Cheers :-)


gert van santen

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