Yamaha SY1 ModMatrix

foRUMS 4 punkdISCO forums at punkdisco.co.uk
Sat Oct 31 21:12:59 CET 2015

Hi MB..


Some sexy SY1 mods I just finished:







ENV                       : Amp Env / AR Env from the existing
Attack/Sustain on the SY1 main panel

VIBRATO              : Vibrato LFO CV output from the main panel.  Inserting
a patch removed pitch vibrato from the preset.  I'm not a big fan of pitch
vibrato so this was a design choice.

BEND                     : CV output from the pain panel Bend.  Post
Intensity/Time sliders so you can control the level.  This is actually
hugely useful as having a controllable key triggered TIME/INTENSITY Release
CV patched to PWM or RES etc etc is massive fun..

TOUCH CTRL       : keyboard after touch CV output, post-sensitivity knob so
you can turn it up/down.  Its independent to the TOUCH CNOTROL flippers so
you can, say, have after touch routed to just PWM or HP FREQ etc etc..



TOUCH CTRL       : CV input for the pre-wired after touch destination.  From
the schematics, after touch is routed to both LP and HP cutoff and sounds
like it is different amounts for each preset

HP & HP FREQ    : CV input for just the respective filter.

Everything else : obvious



HP CUTOFF and RESONANCE: I needed a way to only engage these when required
as I wanted to be able to play the presets exactly as per the factory
settings.  I could have used a switch (like the existing factory LP FILTER
flipper switch) but could not decide where to put it.  The solution was to
use a stereo switching socket for the HP FREQ/RES which means if nothing is
patched you get the preset HP settings.  Patching into the HP FREQ or RES
then also routes in the two new knobs.  It's not a great solution as you
need to put a jack into the socket to turn the knobs ON, even if you are not
feeding additional CV onto the jacks.


I'm new to Yamaha synths and don't really know the heritage but these mods
have taken the SY1 into "wow" territory..  I have lost so many hours just
using the patch panel and have not even begun to patch externally.  The real
"WOW" moment always comes when I remove all the patching, reverting back to
the factory preset which bears no resemblance to the sound that was just
being played..


I have a second SY1 in synth-hospital (unfortunately it was dead on arrival
after taking a courier drop!) I'm tempted to repeat the mods on this SY1
also just because it makes the synth sound so good..


I'll try and do a quick video sometime soon..







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