diode diodeladder at free.fr
Thu Nov 19 09:26:44 CET 2015

Le 18 nov. 2015 à 22:04, Joost Schuttelaar a écrit :

> Shit, so the immunotherapy didn’t catch on properly?

It's not alone at work and we had an urgency (liver going haywire) to clear very fast before too many damages occurring. The new protocol did it's job and I think I have still the immuno (the name are so complicated and too many products in protocols I've decided to not catch up there's better things to do, if I need input I ask doctors.)

The new protocol did wonder, stopped the issue with liver on the spot and I' recovering of the little damage done. And better, I can stand the coming chemio (chemio needs liver to be metabolised and eliminated).

diodeladder at free.fr

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