Other Muteqx adventures of late...

Dave S dave.silvester at gmail.com
Thu Apr 3 02:34:31 CEST 2014

Hey Bar,

Following on from ambient tracks about sad things... here's my other 
project of the moment: working with Madame Dollar, who is my friend's 
alter-ego lesbian-and-proud Welsh rap artiste... I kid you not! :-)

Check out this track we recorded tonight! I made much of the backing a 
few days ago, but we work reeeeeeally fast on the vocals and 
arrangements. We're aiming at about one track every week if possible at 
the moment and definitely going for a full album... it's crazy fun!

Anyway, tonight's track "Cardio Angst" (about an actual incident of 
sexual harassment from some horny builders while she was out for a run) 
can be found here:


Hope you like it!  (Genre: Welsh lesbian grime rant!)



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