Invitation Music Party October 5th, 2013, Wageningen, the Netherlands - long post, must read

Gert van Santen g.vansanten at
Sun Sep 8 17:00:53 CEST 2013

Op 8-9-2013 16:55, Mikael Hansson schreef:
> I'll be there, will arrive sometime on Thursday, not sure what
> time, and then leaving on Sunday.
> I guess you've already put aside a sleeping slot for me.

Yes sir :-)

> I've had near zero time/energy for musicmaking the past months so
> I'm settling for just enjoying the professionals play :-)

I completely understand. But can you not just do 1 or 2 tracks on 
a laptop and play a mini keyboard? Everything would be cool! And 
if you rehearse this a couple of times during the coming 4 weeks, 
plus the rehearsal in Wageningen, it should work out :-)

> Where do I go when I arrive in Wageningen, can you send some
> contact details in a private mail?

Will do :-)

> Looking forward to this, it will be great meeting you guys again!
> /Micke

I'm very glad you are coming! Looking forward :-)



gert van santen

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