iPad help needed

Andrew Tarpinian andrewtarpinian at gmail.com
Tue Mar 19 00:21:28 CET 2013

On Mar 18, 2013, at 6:24 PM, Gert van Santen <g.vansanten at upcmail.nl> wrote:

> Op 18-3-2013 23:18, Peter Korsten schreef:
>> Op 18-3-2013 23:05, Joost Schuttelaar schreef:
>>> On 18 mrt. 2013, at 22:48, Peter Korsten
>>> <peter at severity-one.com> wrote:
>>>> I've read somewhere that I should reset to factory defaults,
>>>> in essence wiping the thing, and then sync back. What I'm
>>>> afraid of, though, is that I will delete some of his settings
>>>> (progress in games, for example) or photos. I'd really hate if
>>>> that happened.
>>> When you factory reset that will happen, unless the progress
>>> has been saved online in some way...
>> Well, for his favourite app, it's stored on a server. But what
>> about other documents, or photos and videos that's he taken? Can
>> I just copy the DCIM folder that shows up if you click on 'iPad'
>> in Windows Explorer?
> I think those are only pics and movies.
> Just make a backup before you do anything.

Those should be all the pics and movies yea. I'm guessing on PC these don't sync to anything? Cuz on Mac it syncs to iPhoto. Apple has a whole support page on their site:

Don't you sync the iPad with a computer/iTunes or over the air iCloud? Everything else would be backed up and you would do a restore after the reset. It's possible some apps/games may not retain their internal save data, but I think most do now? Last time I did something like this they did not, but times have changed. 

You have to do a reset if you don't have the code.
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