Extreme noob electronic question

Paul Maddox yo at vacoloco.net
Sat Jan 19 18:27:54 CET 2013


> Yeah, I'm aware of that. At the time I was looking for some schematics
> to reproduce, it also one of the criteria that pushed my toward JH's
> design as it simply need +5 & Ground. See
> http://www.jhaible.de/tonline_stuff/hj_wasp.jpg

yep, Jurgen was a genius.

> Now that I start to understand better how things work, I could rip off
> Olivier's power regulator to get +5/-5 from 9V dc. Actually, he's done
> some small breadboard 'buddies' pcb for these situation and I'm
> starting to think it would be perfect form to try out.
> http://www.mutable-instruments.net/forum/discussion/1516
> Then I would have a -/+ easily available.

I use the MAX1044CPA+ on Zira to get a -5V rail from the +5V rail, very
handy when you only need a few mA :)

> You bet. Even slightly modifying existing devices is quite thrilling.

it's how it starts for a lot of people :)

Good luck, and keep us updated.

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