Korg microKEY 25 - Limited Edition

punkdISCO forums at punkdisco.co.uk
Tue Jan 8 21:23:30 CET 2013

I have a keyboard dead zone in my studio, ironically, directly in front of
my computer screen;  MIDI keyboard to my left, another to my right - but
nothing in front.  This sometime makes it really difficult to use the
desktop synths in front of me (or VSTs).


So, just ordered this little sexy monkey:




Nice and small so can lose it readily enough..


They also do two bigger version and all black version..




 <http://www.punkdisco.co.uk/> www.punkdisco.co.uk
Text SLUT to: 29 7 29 7

Here's the video:   <http://www.youtu.be/Zl0PTZKy7fg>



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