Cider & fermentation

Chris Strellis EMAIL HIDDEN
Sun Oct 14 17:01:41 CEST 2012

Hi Joost,

Congrats on the cider making.

>Chris, weren't you also into fermentation/brewing? I remember something
like that...

Yes I've made cider from wind fall Bramleys (a cooking apple) and dessert
apples.  Not bad, a bit acidic and dry but you can always add sugar or

Each autumn I make about a gallon of grape wine from my grapevine.  Again,
it's OK and can do with some sweetening. The UK is not noted as a wine
producing region!

I've made blackberry wine which is delicious but takes a while to pick
enough blackberries - but they are free :)

At the moment I have 6 gallons(!) of plum wine fermenting from my over
productive plum trees this year.  It's been a good year for them despite
being a poor year for most other fruit trees.

However, I'm usually too impatient to wait for the wines to mature to their
best and drink them far too early when they are not at their best!


Chris (hic!)

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