Raspberry Pi

Michael Zacherl. EMAIL HIDDEN
Thu Jan 12 20:52:14 CET 2012

On 12.1.2012, at 16:55 , Tony Hardie-Bick wrote:

> Paul Maddox <yo at VacoLoco.net> wrote:
>> 1) my DSP (i.e. maths) skills suck
> DSP is the same on FPGA. Same adds, subtracts, multiplies. Don't be put off by the DSP literature, it's all totally straightforward, but takes time.

so, where to start?  
http://www.google.at/search?q=dsp+programming+for+dummies  ?

BTW, I'm totally intrigued by this little thing!
I could see a base I/O board with DC-coupled hi-res AD/DA converters 
(4 in 4 out would be really cool, but I doubt the PI's I/O could handle that bitrate)
and running some hi-level system like SuperCollider on it.
That as a module in an analogue synth ...  wooot!  :-D


keep your ears open: http://blauwurf.at

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