New MPC...

Peter Korsten EMAIL HIDDEN
Fri Jan 6 07:12:34 CET 2012

Op 6-1-2012 0:58, punkdISCO schreef:

> Possibly the big selling point is going to be all the i/o.  If you are sensible about this i/o you will realise that it is a complete waste of hardware/money; we all have i/o coming out of our ears!  However, by adding this unnecessary(?) i/o, the box moves way beyond 'just another midi controller' and starts to look and feel like a real MPC..

It reminds me of the kind of DJ controllers of nowadays, which is a 
self-contained package that you happen to have to connect to a PC/laptop 
(tablet?) to get the tracks from, and to have the actual software run.

It looks (more-or-less) like two turntables, it feels like the real 
thing, it has all the right knobs and faders, and it comes with a good 
amount of I/O. Buy this thing and you're ready.

That's the impression it gives me: buy the MPC Renaissance and you're 
ready, where you can combine the advantages of an MPC with those of 
computer-based music production.

- Peter

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