Well, whaddaya know...I made a track this evening...

Kim Johnsson johnssonkim at gmail.com
Wed Feb 22 13:07:20 CET 2012


Gert and Joost were being nice:

> I like it - it's a bit short, though :-)

as well as

> Lovely! :)

Thanks :-)

> Where is it going? :)

First I'll ditch the "melody" and then I'll try to make it 7 minutes long
and interesting :-)

I'll be gradually switching on more notes on the repeating SEM bass-ish
pattern, and also occasionally turn the Transpose selector in my Quantizer
Controller in order to make it appear that I am changing chords :-).

I also absolutely adore the sharp Odyssey (shARP) sound (always have; it
just *has* to be an ARP playing the lead in Kraftwerk's Hall of Mirrors,
and in all its simplicity that's one of my favorite synth sounds ever), so
I'll try to make that into an arpeggio. Or a more prominent lead. More
pads. More variation. More Less. You know. The usual :-)


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