Anyone have any experience with a Cannondale Bad Boy Ultra 1, 5, or 9?

Joost Schuttelaar joost at
Tue Apr 3 18:16:42 CEST 2012

On Apr 3, 2012, at 17:56 , James Coplin wrote:

> It is the every decade or so time for a new bike.  I'm seriously
> considering a Cannondale Bad Boy Ultra but wondered if anyone on the list
> had any experience with them.  There is an outside chance I will be coming
> to Belgium to bike next summer but I probably would rent a bike instead of
> hauling this one but who knows.  Thoughts?

Nice :) no experience I'm afraid, but really happy with my Focus Planet 8 Belt drive. Practically maintenance free, hurray! :)


Joost Schuttelaar
The Hague, NL

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