Playing with feedback

K9 Kai Niggemann EMAIL HIDDEN
Thu Sep 15 11:09:22 CEST 2011

Basically I used the "guitar" preset from Logic, and used some random channel's effects with a D6 set to a "guitar like" preset to get something that resembles a guitar as input.

Then I am sending this signal on 3 different busses to three different Tape Delays set to something between 0.5 and 6 ms and lots of feedback. I think delay 1 has much too much feedback -- it tends to run away even when there is no input. 

Then I mix the original signal and the three delays together into Buss 5, there is a Guitar Amp Pro on that Buss to make everything sound more like an amped guitar again.

it's just meant as a starting point, so tweeeeek your heart out! ;)


On 15.09.2011, at 04:44, Larry Pham wrote:

> Wow that's super cool of you Kai! Thank you :) I just played with it and got some interesting effects playing with the delay times. It's a bit late so I don't have time to try to understand what's happening from a routing perspective but it doesn't look too complicated. Maybe a fresh look tomorrow will make more sense.

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