Clearout: SID chips

Tony Hardie-Bick EMAIL HIDDEN
Wed Sep 7 14:59:46 CEST 2011

On 07/09/11 12:58, Jay Vaughan wrote:
>>> I wondered that too, but .. its just too weird a pairing.
>> Why? music as furniture? very fitting to most minimal techno these days…
> I guess because there is so much structure and organization in this new
> interface, combining vision with touch, quite seriously, whereas Satie (whom
> I studied only briefly during my music-training period with my grandfather)
> to me, implies a whimsical disconnect between the two.
> Now, though, that I think about it, it is terribly clever of Mr. H-B to make
> the connection, although I must confess that at first blush, its rather a
> droll statement on the state of the art in user-interface technology ..

Well, my reaction to the vid was strangely positive. The Satie association came 
to my mind because there was no hurry in the music. Satie's most famous pieces 
(unlike the many songs he wrote, which were good for their time, but not 
revolutionary) ushered in a completely different mind-state for music listening 
and performance. Today, too, music is in a great rush to deliver its message, to 
proclaim loud and proud its particular contribution - even ambient music gets a 
bit too self-aware for its own timing; it's not simply about tempo or lack of an 
underlying meter.

What struck me in this example was that, although groove based, whether by 
accident or design, the way the music was evolving was entirely patient, and yet 
with all the energy that groove implies, along with those sounds, few though 
they are, each perfect and perfectly chosen - so, very much like Satie.


Tony (HB)

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