Vista? Hello or goodbye?

Peter Korsten EMAIL HIDDEN
Tue May 10 07:03:48 CEST 2011

Op 10-5-2011 5:10, Tony Scharf schreef:

> Personally, I'd nuke Vista and get Win7 if you can.  Seriously.  Win 7
> is an OS that Microsoft really got right.  I actually *enjoy* working
> with it.

My vote goes to 7 as well, although it should be noted that 7 is an 
incremental improve over Vista, and not so much a jump as Vista was over 
XP. I've tried the beta of Vista, loathed it, and went straight from XP 
to 7. Sometimes, though, I wonder how much of all the bad press that 
Vista was in some way similar to British Rail's APT (which had a lot of 
revolutionary new features, which hadn't really matured when they 
invited the press, and so the image stuck, apart from the fact that 
there were indeed quite a few problems at the start).

If you don't want to invest in 7, you could go with XP, but bear in mind 
that it's either end-of-life, or will be soon. With a self-contained 
system like a laptop, drivers aren't that much of an issue, but if there 
would be certain problems, they won't be fixed. XP is heading towards 
the 10 year mark now, which is quite old for any computer software.

- Peter

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