dead kore...

Jonny Stutters EMAIL HIDDEN
Fri Jun 10 16:06:58 CEST 2011

On 10 Jun 2011, at 06:09, Peter Korsten wrote:

> Op 9-6-2011 17:42, Tony Scharf schreef:
>> Well, I guess it's not *too* surprising, but NI has decided to kill
>> Kore and try to get people to use Maschine instead (which makes no
>> sense, as the products arent the least comparable).
> See, this is why I don't trust software and especially not hardware that 
> is integrated with software. If any of the mix somehow drops away or is 
> no longer supported (computer hardware, computer OS, or software) you're 
> left with a bookend.

You could apply that worry to pretty much anything that's not free/open source.  On the other hand if you think of a laptop running kore as pretty much a hardware synth then it's probably got a good 5 years left in it without any support from NI.  I find it hard to believe that many kore users have exhausted all the options of the system as it stands.


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