From tunisia

Peter Korsten EMAIL HIDDEN
Tue Jan 18 01:38:37 CET 2011

Op 18-1-2011 1:20, diode schreef:

> UDC/SVP in Blocher form is just ultra-liberal(economy)-conservative(values)-racists morons. What most people don't grasp about UDC is that it was at the base a center-right agrarian party, then, Blocher came in… It's not the same story as the FPÖ in Austria or the NVA in Belgium that never were people you could shake hands with.

Hang on a second, aren't you confusing the N-VA and the VB now? (N-VA: 
Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie, a conservative and Flemish-nationalist party; 
VB: Vlaams Belang/Blok, a more extremist right-wing, Flemish nationalist 
party with a strong anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim bias.) Whereas N-VA is 
'salonfähig', VB isn't.

- Peter

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