Ubuntu studio running from a SD card...

Sat Jan 8 04:31:19 CET 2011

Le 8 janv. 2011 à 01:12, K9 Kai Niggemann a écrit :

> To answer my own question: the standard ubuntu runs on a MacBook from cd, USB isn't recommended really, but should work as well...

Beware, there was issues to run Linux from USB keys last year, I can't tell for the latest releases of Fedora and Ubuntu.

> Nice. Currently exploring Linux for the first time ever..;)

Check Fedora too, very neat. Ubuntu is a bit of a mixed bundle very experimental along dead seriously tested stuff, it's a little frightening… Fedora is more forward thought but keeping things in at about the same level of experimentation… ;)

Planet CCRMA is collected for Fedora.

Ubuntu is a little bit easier to install though. I had issues with the Ubuntu studio 9 install, but it worked fine starting with ubuntu vanilla then adding the Studio stuff. Sometimes Fedora has glitches from packages not updated in time for the release and it brings in errors (not deadly ones though) on install. I've had to jump a little around to install CCRMA right after a release of fedora and the deposit is a little lagging behind…

After, it's all down to personal taste. :o)

(thread hijacking, latest news of 2 of the 3 tunisian pirate party members who disappeared on thursday are reported as ok and should be freed by the tunisian government today, no news of all the others arrested persons… follow #sidibouzid on twitter or identi.ca for latest news.)

Denis H]

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