Ready to tweak some analog hardware?

K9 Kai Niggemann EMAIL HIDDEN
Mon Apr 4 12:05:27 CEST 2011

On 04.04.2011, at 11:27, Gert van Santen wrote:

> Just for the record, I still remember when I bought my MS20 
> second hand in 1980 for NLG 800 (E 350). Everyone loved it of 
> course (no one else had a synthesizer at the time), but it was 
> looked upon as a poor man's synth. Thirty years later, we all 
> know what it has done for music :-)

Wow! I bought mine in 2005 for 600 EUR (and that was a steal, a friend gave it to me for a good price). it is an incredible synth, although I think the patchability is very limited (very often I wish I had multipliers for the CVs...)

Last saturday I went to see a performance where the musician was playing a Fender Rhodes and a black synth -- that I later identified as a duct-taped up Nord Lead. The sounds he made with that were so awesome that it made me appreciate the Nord Lead all over again. Sometimes it takes someone else to open my ears.

I have an NL3 and the FM synthesis is just so boggling... I had this really really great patch but then I lost it -- I have no idea how I managed to create it, FM is just too difficult...;)


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