UK members: The Digital Economy Bill - PLEASE take action!

Thu Mar 18 11:16:34 CET 2010

Dave S wrote:
> This is for the attention of those of us in the UK.

Mandy is that nasty, fishy c*nt who keeps stalking you with random, 
insane proposals. I hope he is dead long before Labour ever take power 
again. Even if he murdered someone, I reckon he'd be back in there, 
selling out our freedom to crooks and call centres with faked accidental 
leaks of our protected data... And that's the one's you hear about.
He's nothing but a crook, a skinny, pink crook in this case ;)
Judging by recent events, most of 'em _are_ crooks caught red handed, 
yet, like the worst criminals, unrepentant and denying wrongdoing till 
the end.

If your ISP is worth paying for, they will know that Statutory 
Legislation is just that and IS NOT the <real> Law unless it is accepted 
by us. So, if most of the ISP's put up a tiny fight and get a few media 
grumbles, the whole thing will crumble like crumbly rhubarb crumble, 
hmmmm (sadly, to be replaced with what amounts to the same thing forced 
sneakily through at a later date, more quietly this time, with so much 
legalese it is illegible or stapled to the back of a paedophile, um, bill)

Like Telcos, it was never in the ISP's powers to blanket monitor or spy 
on the users of the service. To do so invites the high possibility of 
abuse. Aside from abuse by internal members and organisations (like big 
media, or even appointed authoritative elements e.g. police, schools, 
debt collection, YOUR BOSS etc.) this is just asking for organised crime 
to take the reigns. I count any government these days under org. crime 
as well, just to clear that up, but that would include information 
collation services under <fake> banners of law or debt collection etc.

So. I feel, rather than concentrating on your pathetic local politician, 
I would email your ISP, vehemently, because it is THEIR DUTY to rebel 
against this surveillance BS. Make it clear that you will move to the 
ISP's that choose to fight it, pronto.

"Hey. It's the principal, not the warez"

You wouldn't want someone rifling through _all_ your mail before you get 
it, or listening in on _all_ your telephone conversations, merely 
because your name got pulled out of the random suspicious hat that day? huh?

It's the worst form of prying, trickster cold calling and the worlds 
greatest blackmail source.

That's what it would quickly become in the hands of corporations.

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