well, this really ruined my day...

Sun Jun 20 21:23:40 CEST 2010

On Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 7:07 AM, ibi sum <ibisum at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, 2010-06-20 at 05:03 -0700, Mohsen wrote:
>> I returned the one I bought when I was in the market for a FireWire card,
> Perhaps its really an issue with their PC drivers, which is
> understandable ..

The drivers themselves worked fine..once you got them installed.
Their *installers* were just complete failures on my windows machine.
They would remove the old drivers partly before giving a cryptic
message then partly install the new drivers leaving a complete mess.
Oh, and they would mess with my cubase dongle for some reason as well.
 When I contacted their support about this, I never heard back from

Motu makes me almost as crazy.  I had a 328 based system I was very
happy with, but when I upgraded my PC, the card would no longer work
simply because MOTU didnt want to update drivers for the 328 now that
they had their 428 card out and could charge me $500 bucks to upgrade
just the card.  At the time, I opted instead to get an EMU 1820m which
ran great...until I got another new computer and now EMU wanted me to
upgrade to their new PCIe version of the card so their old driver
didnt work with my modern chipset....which is how I ended up with the

After doing some research, I am at a loss as to what to do.  I am
probably going to pursue getting the firestudio fixed if I can, but I
need something in the meantime.  I was planning a recording session
today that I had to cancel, and I'd like to get something by next
weekend so I am not down for *another* weekend.  I am so close to
having all the tracking done for my first solo release, that this
technical glitch really burns me.

so...back to the web to do some more research..

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