
Sun Jul 4 04:33:55 CEST 2010

On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 1:23 PM, punkdISCO <forums at> wrote:
> So Tony, what is the gig??!!

No date set yet, but Ive been talking to a few artists who work in the
same vein as my NoiseTheorem project and we are considering putting on
a few shows near the end of summer.   My EP is *almost* done, and it
would be a chance to pimp that around a bit.

Right now, I am working with the MPC5000, Akai Z8, Virus Classic and
some FX for my live rig (I am probably going to sell my P3, its just
not working out for me).  Most of the tracks are made up of either
audio or MIDI loops of different lengths.  for a live set, I would
improvise the structures around a few basic patterns run of the MPC.
The problem is, I am starting to run out of RAM and I only have about
30 minutes when I need 45 ~ 50.  I dont really want to do a laptop +
live onstage as its become the absolute cliche setup of the decade,
but I may not be able to resist it just for the memory limitations of
hardware.  The alternative would be finding another Z8 or Z4 that I
could load up with 512mb of ram and do a switch from one to the other
at some point in the set....but is my hardware ideology worth the
money, hassle, and potential for disaster?  I am not so sure..


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