
Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Mon Feb 15 13:38:56 CET 2010

ibi sum schreef:
> I didn't like D9, and I didn't like Moon.  Both were boring movies
> whose plot was obvious within the first 10 minutes .. eye candy aside,
> these movies get a big fat MEH from me, yo.
> Same with Avatar, which I thought was just plain rubbish.
> Truly, its been a long time since I thought a movie was doing anything
> more than than pandering to the sheep.  I'd love to see some truly
> revolutionary sci-fi, but all we've had for the last 10 years has been
> dreck. Pure, utter dreck.  Sorry, just my opinion ...

So what do you think is an awesome SF movie?


G e r t   v a n   S a n t e n
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