Ever feel like you're addicted to your own tracks?

Tue Feb 9 15:04:07 CET 2010

I have days I put a couple of my songs on repeat and listen to them
over and over again for 8 hours straight at work.  People probably
think I am crazy..

Its how I decide what to do with my tracks.  Its kind of a self evaluation.

When I have my player on shuffle, and it lands on one of my tracks,
sometimes hearing it in the context of other songs makes me decide to
work the track more, leave it alone, or shelve it.


On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 7:50 AM, Gert van Santen <g.vansanten at chello.nl> wrote:
> ibi sum schreef:
>> So .. I've been listening to music all day now, about 7 hours worth,
>> while I work hard at some stuff thats very, very tricky and demanding,
>> attention-wise .. so music is calming me and keeping me focused away
>> from all the normal room distractions.
>> I've just noticed something - as usual, I've got my music player on
>> Random+Shuffle, and today I haven't listened to a single non-Jay track
>> all the way through - as soon as I get to some other artists track, I
>> just get irritated and hit Next.
>> So this means I'm addicted to my own music.  Actually, I just have
>> zero tolerance for anyone elses stuff right now .. I wonder what this
>> means?
>> Anyone else ever get that way, you just can't listen to anything but
>> your own tunes for a while?
> Yep. I've had that many times. It started somewhere in the
> eighties, when I had recorded my first demo's. It's always
> happening when I/we release a new album or make new tunes.
> Cool, isn't it :-)
> --
> :-)
> G e r t   v a n   S a n t e n
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> www.gertvansanten.nl
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