Waveburner destroys files

K9 Kai Niggemann EMAIL HIDDEN
Wed Dec 29 01:18:13 CET 2010


have you ever seen this? My mastering program just destroyed my masters (just posted this to Apple discussions/Waveburner):

On importing my mastered files (24bit/44.1 Khz), Waveburner modifies the files. Some are converted in their entirety to digital noise, some are reduced in volume and noise is overlaid, three out of the nine actually seem to have remained untouched.

This is consistent and destructive. Restoring from a backup, the same thing happened again. Other files play back the broken files and show their waveforms.

Does anyone have any idea what is happening and why? I searched the forum but could find no mention of anything similar in the last two years.

Any help (or workaround, including more reliable programs) are greately appreciated!

Thank you in advance,

Edit: this is Waveburner 1.6.1 on OS X 10.6.5

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