"We have always been at war with WikiLeaks."

Thu Dec 16 20:37:57 CET 2010

On 16.12.2010 6:16, K9 Kai Niggemann wrote:
> Just ask the question and it will be answered:
> <http://www.thecommentfactory.com/exclusive-the-wikileaks-manifesto-by-julian-assange-3342/>
>  It is out there. Why everyone chooses to ignore it I don't know. But
> saying that JA's agenda is unknown is not the truth.

I think it was the Guardian who also posted some very interesting 
material about JA and what he said in the past. His agenda is indeed not 
a secret at all, he posted it on Wikileaks and on his blog.

> In fact I think we need more of these leaks. Also Openleaks, the new
> platform founded by disgruntled ex-wikileakers should be a great
> addition to this club.

I haven't really made up my mind yet. On the one hand, a certain amount 
of transparency is good and important. On the other hand, it's also 
important that *opinions* can be stated between members of the 
government without them being public the next day. That's what I 
understand many of these reports to be. Otherwise, all discussions will 
be restricted to a very small circle of people, and I'd very much prefer 
the US President to at least consider the opinion of somebody local to a 

The way the US government goes after Wikileaks, however, is in total 
denial of their stated values (e.g. freedom of press). After all, there 
have always been publications of "secrets" in the press, it's just on a 
larger scale this time.

> A state has no privacy. We citizens, on the other hand do. so keep
> those leaks coming. And let's all start using encryption.

So all information that the state has on us should be public as well? 
Not sure that's what you really want.

I love today's XKCD comic: http://www.xkcd.com/834/


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