"We have always been at war with WikiLeaks."

Peter Korsten EMAIL HIDDEN
Thu Dec 16 19:52:29 CET 2010

Op 16-12-2010 18:45, The Dong schreef:

> Julian and friends are the first free press source I've seen, and you
> want them to be shut down?

No, I don't want them to shut down. I just think they're a bunch of wankers.

They're on their high horse, how right and just they are (just like you, 
really), and come up with this manifesto, but I can't shake the notion 
that what they're really after is damaging the US government.

So it's strange that, on the one hand, all sorts of conspiracy theories 
(like that the US government was responsible for 9/11) find willing 
ears, and all official denunciation is rubbished as being lies, yet no 
such questions are asked when WikiLeaks magic all sorts of documents out 
of the top hat. Are we seeing all documents that they receive?

It's just another manifestation of the widespread hatred of the US 
government, and anything that supports this is taken for granted, and 
anything that might detract is swept aside.

In that sense, it's no difference from any other religion.

- Peter

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