Anybody want to go to Simple Minds tonight, Amsterdam, Free?

Andrew Tarpinian EMAIL HIDDEN
Thu Nov 26 20:52:42 CET 2009

On Nov 26, 2009, at 2:42 PM, Peter Korsten wrote:
>> So I would conclude that if time machines were ever going to be
>> possible, we would have them, warp drives, phasers, humanoid sex
>> robots and, of course, teleporters already.  Unless, of course, the
>> universe protects itself from paradoxes by dumping time travelers  
>> into
>> their own timelines...but thats a little bit too much thinking for a
>> holiday morning before a second cup of coffee.
> Thing is, if time machines were possible, they would always have
> existed. All the other things tend to bump into what's currently
> considered the limits of physics.

that's true, or there may be really, really strict and effective laws  
governing time travel in the future, cuz really we should have seen at  
least 2 killer robots sent back from the future by now. Or maybe a  
really good paradox clean up crew keeps fixing it all.

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