RPM09 - some ideas

Chris Strellis EMAIL HIDDEN
Tue Feb 10 10:04:08 CET 2009

> <http://deadmengods.com/ideas/dmg_illusions_of_change_idea.mp3>
> <http://deadmengods.com/ideas/dmg_revelations_idea.mp3>
> <http://deadmengods.com/ideas/dmg_down_below_idea.mp3>

All great starts with *that* special Micke sound :D

For me:

Revelations first, then Down Below then Illusions.

Revelations is more filmic/themeic which evokes images in my head of
driving within a cityscape plus the bass reminds me of early Human
League - a good thing!

Down Below has menace and threat and for some reason I can see a
submarine slipping by under polar ice caps so fits in with a cold
wintery theme.  This is more developed than the other two tracks so
maybe why others prefer it?  I don't care much for the guitar though but
that's me and my synthy biased ways.  Others may (should) say otherwise.

Illusions is just too light but is very playful and fluffy - like snow?

Good work mate.  Three ideas there when I struggled for one!



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