Dual CPU?

Mon Aug 17 14:50:31 CEST 2009

For games and e-mail?  No.  Unless you intend to run a  LOT of games and
e-mail clients at the same time.

At work, I find it very useful, because I run VM's.  Dual Quad core xeons
with 16gb of ram is just pretty much necessary for that application.

At home I have a single quad core machine in the studio, and an older dual
core machine that serves as my primary communications/browsing machine.
then there is the junk pile of machines people have given me because they
were broken in one way or another and they bought a new one rather than
simply replacing a hard drive (some people arent so bright...).  I have too
many damn computers.


On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 6:54 AM, Joost Schuttelaar <
joost at joostschuttelaar.nl> wrote:

> On Aug 16, 2009, at 23:09 , Peter Korsten wrote:
> > Is this silly to do at home? Is the extra expense wasted?
> Yeah. I run a dual core 2.33, but the CPU is hardly ever the limiting
> factor. Disk and RAM are what slows things down (rarely).
> Quad core is nice, but such a power sucking 2x CPU machine seems a bit
> overkill (fatter PSU needed as well).
> --
> Joost Schuttelaar
> The Hague, NL
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