The device we want is near at hand ..

Wed Apr 22 18:05:50 CEST 2009

On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 10:28 AM, Jay Vaughan <jayv at> wrote:
>> expression in the Z plane.  I mean, if your going to create such a
>> great touch interface and throw out physical keys anyway why not go
>> all the way?
> A bit like saying "if we're going to build a new OS, why bother
> with .EXE file formats.."

Ah, that is quite different.  If you want to use a programming
analogy, a better one would be using text box as opposed to a drop
down list.  One give only selected choices while the other allows for
anything (at the expense of being much more dangerous).

Of course, there are situations where it is good to use one and not
the other.  I only point out that the possibility is there, but not
often realized.


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